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Nesting Material Station for Wild Birds

Nesting Material Station for Wild Birds

Now that winter is over it is nesting season for wild birds. It is too warm for Homemade Suet Cake so I am turning my Suet Feeder into a nesting material station for the wild birds.
I use mostly natural materials found in the environment at my station to attract nesting birds. I also mix in some colorful shredded paper, yarn and thread scraps hoping to spot nests during the season with my colorful materials.

Nesting Materials
Dead leaves
Animal fur, horse hair, feathers
Shredded cottonballs
Pine Straw
Shredded Paper

If you don’t have any of these items you can buy nesting materials on


Nesting Material Station for Wild Birds


Paper Grass Left over from Easter Baskets

Above is paper grass left over from my children’s Easter Baskets.

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