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Things to do before decorating with acorns.


When I say I have a million acorns in my yard, I really mean I have a billion. I am willing to bet you do too! The squirrels will not be going hungry anytime soon.

How to Prep Acorns before decorating with them.

While collecting these little gems I had the unfortunate luck of a strong wind whipping through and got pelted with acorns. Ouch!

That really should be Tip #1. Don’t stand under Oak trees on windy days in the Fall of the year. 

There colors are so pretty. Green, some have a bluish silver hue and gorgeous shades of browns.

Things to do before decorating with acorns.

So are you wondering if you need to do anything to those acorns you just picked up? Here are some tips to keep in mind while collecting and decorating with acorns.

1. When collecting acorns if their caps fall off it is OK. After tip #4 you can glue them back on with a hot glue gun, super glue, or any other strong glue.
2. Rinse acorns in a colander and be sure to get off any dirt.
3. Throw out any damaged, deformed, or any acorns that have holes in them.
4. Optional: Some of your acorns might have a shiny “skin” on them. Use a wet rag to rub off this skin. I leave the shiny skin on the acorns. I think it makes the acorns look all unique.
5. Place on a cookie sheet and bake at 200F for 30 minutes. This will kill any bugs living inside and dry them out so they won’t get moldy.
6. You may use a spray on gloss enamel to give the acorns a glossy sheen but not necessary.
7. If you use the gloss enamel spray one side and wait for it to dry before turning them over and spraying them again.
8. Wait until completely dry before you use to decorate.

Here is my simple dining room table centerpiece. This piece originally held little tea light candles. I filled the glass jars with my acorns and placed bright florals on top. Super easy right!?


Acorn Decorating Ideas

Paint them.

Fill vases with them and add seasonal florals.

Hot glue them on a wreath.

Get those creative juices flowing and create something spectacular!


When I am not in the garden I am in the kitchen wiping up cocktails and recipes. See my Slow Cooker Recipes that are perfect for the Fall and Winter seasons!

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