Soft Sugar Cookies with a Hint of Coconut
When I set out to create this cookie I wanted a soft coconut sugar cookie. Unfortunately that didn’t happen. I even decided not to share this recipe even with all …
What to Feed Squirrels? Cookie Recipe
Wondering what you can feed squirrels? They are so sweet and will gladly take anything. I watched a squirrel in Washington D.C. help himself to a fallen ice cream cone. …
Do Valentine’s Day Differently
Are you looking for unique Valentine’s Day ideas? Here is a spin on three traditional Valentine’s Day favorites. 1. Instead of a regular box of chocolates add a personal touch …
Chocolate Dip
This chocolate dip is so elegant and has a buttery chocolate flavor that is super creamy. This recipe makes a big batch. Make this dip for a party. It makes …
3 Must-Haves for the Dog Lover
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How to Save Money at the Gas Pump.
Every time I share this money saving tip a light bulb goes off in the person’s head. They have a, Why didn’t I think of that, moment. So I want …
Buy Gifts Year-Round
Here is a strategy for saving a bundle of money by shopping year-round for gifts. I have always waited until the last minute to buy gifts for my family’s birthdays, …
Easy Biscotti Recipe
Here is an easy recipe for biscotti. This vanilla biscotti recipe is the perfect base to add all types of flavor variations. I have listed out ingredient variations from almonds …
Planning for a Spring Garden
Photo credits, Burpee, David Austin, Burpee These winter days get me daydreaming about the spring and all things green. To get my gardening fix this time of year I start …